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Nov 28, 2011

GLPI installation

source: http://www.glpi-project.org/spip.php?article61
The procedure is as follows
1. Get the tarball of GLPI on Glpi-project.org. Unpack it on your computer. You obtain a directory called glpi containing the whole files of GLPI.
2. Copy this directory onto your server.
3. Using your browser, get the root of GLPI. You can now configure GLPI using an graphic interface. After this step, you can use GLPI and begin to work.
Detailled procedure
You should have a space on a web server with :
- an access to the web server in order to install the files (FTP, SSH, etc) ;
- PHP5 or later with the support of the sessions ;
- an access to a MySQL (>4.1.2) database.
Before the installation, you must have a MySQL database available. If you are not the administrator of the server, it is necessary to ask for the activation of a MySQL base to the administrator.
You must know the data of your MySQL connection (provided by the administrator):
- the host address of the MySQL server ;
- your MySQL login ;
- your MySQL password ;
- the name of the database
Getting GLPI
GLPI is available in the website :
- http://glpi-project.org in the "download" section.
Choose the version you want to install. Unpack the tarball in your personnal computer. Upload the obtained directory into your web server.
If your are the administrator of the server unpack the tarball in the root apache directory (/var/www or /var/www/html).
Install the files
Install the whole files of GLPI in your web space, where you want that GLPI is accessible to the public.
Now, it is necessary to modify permissions to some directories in order that PHP can write in:
- /files
- /config
Begin of the installation
From now, all is held online. To begin the installation you must to use your browser to get the root of GLPI: default is http://yourserver/glpi/
During the first connection, a step by step installation starts. The interface is user friendly, you must just enter the required informations.
Preliminary steps
A- Choose your favorite language.
Just choose your favorite langage and click to « OK »
B- Install or Update.
You want to do a fresh install, so click on « Install ».
C- Compatibility checks to use GLPI
This step verifies that all requirements are ojk for the installtion of GLPI. If something is wrong, you cannot continur the installtion. An error message will appear that explain you what to do to correct the problem.
If all is ok, you can click on « continue ».
Installation steps
Step 1 : Configuration of the access to the database server.
You must enter in a form all the informations needed to connect to MySQL.
« Mysql server » is the hostname where is your database server. For example: localhost or mysql.domain.tld
« Mysql user » is the username you use to connect to the server.
« Mysql pass » is the password of the username This field can be empty if your user have no password (No comment will be done here on the security of such a user).
Then, you must to click on « continue ».
Two cases now:
- Your parameters are rights. So, you access to the next step.
- Your parameters are wrongs. So, an error message is displayed, you must to click on back to modify your parameters and retry.
Step 2 : Choose or create the database.
The access to the database is ok. You mustr to create or choose the database that GLPI will use.
Two possibilities:
- You want to use an existing database to store the GLPI tables:
Select this database and click on continue to initialize this database.
- You want to create a new database to store the GLPI tables:
For this case, you must to have the rights to create a new database on the server.
Select « create a new database ». Enter the name of the database that you want to create in the text field. Click on continue in order to initialize the database.
Step 3 : Temporary step and explanations :
This stage informs you that the database is initialized with the default values. Some informations are given to you on these values. Read this information attentively and click on « continue ».
Step 4 : This stage indicates that the installation of GLPI is now finished, a summary is displayed. Read these informations attentively and click on "use GLPI" to perform your first connection with the application.
End of the installation
In case of error (of the kind: you forgot your own access to GLPI...), to start again this procedure of installation, it is necessary to use your software ftp (for example) and to erase the following file:
- config/config_db.php
For security reasons you must to set the read right to config/config_db.php only to the web service user. Example : chmod 400 config/config_db.php
Use your browser to get the root of GLPI: http://yourserver/glpi/ (by default) to start again the procedure of configuration then (actually, it is the absence of file "config_db.php" which causes the launching of this procedure).

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Nov 16, 2011

Business Intelligence + Open source - Get started

Bước đầu vào thế giới BI trong Open source
Sau một thời gian tìm hiểu đã quyết định chọn Pentaho. Và tìm được cuốn Pentaho Solution để thử nghiệm
Những thứ cần cài đặt
- Cài hệ điều hành Ubuntu 10.04
- Java jdk 1.6
- MySql Server & client
- Các tool gui cho database: power architect, MySQL Workbench, Squirrel
- và đương nhiên là pentaho server.

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